Baby Signing

April 21, 2008

Over the last few years there has been a lot of interest surrounding Baby Signing.  This is the practice of teaching your baby signs before it can talk.  This means that you can communicate with your child from a much earlier time.


There is plenty of research on the positive benefits of signing with your baby.  Baby signing is a form of pre-verbal communication.  It has been documented that babies understand language before they can speak and signing taps in to this.

Research done at the University of Durham has found that the most important factor in a child’s development is how well a mother can interpret her baby’s mood.  Therefore baby signing may be able to help a mother interpret her baby’s mood.  There is also evidence to show that signing promotes excellent interaction between parent and child which is vital for communication.  Signing can reduce frustration in babies and can enhance bonding.

The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists has supported research evidence that shows that the use of gesture helps babies focus on what they hear.  They do however voice concern that signing does not replace verbal interaction between a baby and its parents.


If you are interested in joining a baby signing class we have qualified tutors who are able to offer this service within Essex and Suffolk.  Please email us at for more information and to register your interest.